Yes. All vehicles are required to display a valid parking permit before parking on TCU campus, including visitors. This is enforced throughout the year and there are no exceptions.
All permits are distributed at the Parking & Transportation Department, located within the TCU Police Department building during normal business hours, Monday thru Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM or mailed to the customer if that option is chosen.
Employees and Students:
The online permit application is available through the TCU T2 Parking Portal website
Directions to obtain your parking permit:
- Sign in to the TCU T2 Parking Portal,, with your TCU Username (if you do not have a TCU log in please create a guest account and fill out all pertinent information for yourself and your vehicle) under the PERMITS section select “Get Permits” and click “Next”
- Once you select the permit available to you and agree to the parking rules and regulations click “Next”
- You will next select your vehicle for the permit. If your previous vehicle is available to choose select it, but if there is no vehicle to select, click “Add Vehicle” and enter your vehicle’s information and click “Next” (You must use a valid license plate or temporary plate number, N/A or TEMP are not acceptable entries for a license plate)
- Select your permit delivery option (mailed to your address on file or picked up at the Parking Office) click “Next”
- The last page will bring you to your cart or check out screen. Select your payment method (Payroll Deduction or Credit/ Debit Card) and click “Pay Now”
- Once your payment is complete you can immediately pick up your permit from the parking office during normal business hours.
If you encounter any issues using the T2 Parking Portal website,, to purchase your permit please reach out to the TCU Parking & Transportation office, located within the TCU Police Department building during normal business hours, Monday thru Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM, and we can assist you in manually completing your application if needed.
Absolutely. There are over 9,500 parking spaces on campus, and TCU Parking distributes approximately 6,900 employee and student parking permits each year. There are no current plans to add parking lots or garages.
There may be spots in lots you’re unfamiliar with. We suggest checking the map for lots you may not have considered and planning in advance. Perhaps you can identify a “second choice” lot or consider parking closer to your last class than your first, for instance. Advance planning will help in identifying lots and allowing time. Many students tell us that they enjoying walking as built-in exercise or a time for a nice mental break.
If you find difficulty finding parking on the east side of campus (this is a more predominate issue in the late morning hours) there is ample and available parking near the stadium in Lots 3 and 4. Although these may not be the most convenient options they are available to commuter students and there is a shuttle bus that will take you to the center of campus from these locations.
Please click on the permit links below for a map of the available parking for your permit type.
- CM- Commuter
- FS- Faculty & Staff
- MC- Main Campus
- WH- Worth Hills
- Visitors
- DP- Disabled Parking
- X- Discounted Permit
- MD- Medical School
Motorcycle/Moped/Scooter (M) – Parking is allowed in any white-lined space campus-wide (excluding visitor spaces), any space within a lot that a passenger vehicle does not fit, and time-limited spaces for the posted time. Do not park in handicap access spaces (lined areas between handicap parking spaces), at bicycle racks, blocking ramps with access to sidewalks, or on sidewalks
Shuttle service is being expanded and will run from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Routes begin at Lot 4, and shuttles run in opposite directions around central campus, north and south bound down University and Stadium Drive. Two Groome Transportation transit vans will carry 10 passengers each. The approximate wait time will be 10 to 15 minutes. Always consider that high-traffic areas of campus may slow down the routes during busy times, much like other vehicle traffic. This service is scheduled to begin mid-August.
Parking citation fines can be charged to the student/ employee account or paid with a credit/debit card on the TCU T2 Parking Portal website, From the website, sign into your TCU T2 Parking Portal account or create a guest account if you do not have a TCU sign in. Follow the prompts to pay for any citations or other charges on your account.
Excessive citations may be referred to the dean of students if non-compliance persists.
All citations must be appealed within 10 days of the issue date through the TCU T2 Parking Portal, After this time all citation fines will charge the user account.
Register your vehicle with the temporary plates, once your permanent license plate arrives, email the TCU Parking Department with your TCU ID Number and permanent plate number to update your account. If you arrive on campus when the business office is closed, park in STUDENT or FACULTY/STAFF parking until you get your permit. DO NOT park in visitor lots.
When registering a vehicle with temporary plates via the online permit application, do not use your driver’s license number, the words TEMP, N/A, or leave the form blank under the license plate number field. You must use the temporary license plate number or your application will be denied. Your application will need to be resubmitted online or you can come to the Parking & Transportation Department, located within the TCU Police Department and manually complete the permit application. It is the vehicle owner’s responsibility to update your license plate once it arrives with the TCU Parking & Transportation Department.
The TCU Police Department is open 24/7 for those in need of a temporary parking permit. These hang tags are free of charge and can be issued for up to 30 days. Employees and Students needing temporary hang tags for longer than 30 days, on the same vehicle, must purchase an additional permit for the vehicle in question. Secondary vehicle permits are available for a reduced rate of the current semester permit price and can be obtained at the Parking & Transportation office, located within the TCU Police Department building during normal business hours, Monday thru Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM.
Yes, these types of vehicles must be registered and have a valid parking permit. Parking is permitted in any regular white-lined parking space (except visitor spaces or the UCC Church lots, which are contracted with TCU for Reserved Employee Parking on weekdays until 5:00 PM) and any section of a lot where a motorcycle can fit, but is not blocking a traffic lane, sidewalk, handicap access space, or any access ramps leading to a sidewalk or pedestrian area. Parking IS NOT allowed at bicycle racks, or in an area that requires driving on a sidewalk.
Visitor passes are available at the Parking & Transportation office, located within the TCU Police Department building, 24/7 at no charge and may be issued to visitors for up to 30 days. Visitors may park in visitor lots and any other white-lined space on campus. Visitor lots and all east campus Commuter/Faculty Staff lots (with the exception of the Commuter/Faculty Staff lot located behind the TCU Police Department at Merida Ave. and W. Bowie St.) close at 3:00AM every day. Visitors should park in student lots when staying overnight on campus.
Yes, if your housing changes there is a good chance your permit type will change. If unsure, contact the Parking & Transportation Department for clarification.
In addition to the WHPG, Worth Hills permits are permitted to park in the small parking lot located outside of Arnold Hall, and Lot 2 during the spring semester. One exception; Worth Hills permits can park in the Commuter lots located on the east campus from 5:00PM – 3:00AM weekdays and all day on weekends until 3:00AM.
The Parking & Transportation Department can assist with temporary parking arrangements by presenting a doctor’s note stating the need for parking accommodations and the duration for which parking accommodations will be required. These temporary arrangements provide parking in ALL non-reserved Faculty Staff lots, all student lots, and visitor lots. It DOES NOT permit parking in state handicap spaces, reserved spaces, fire lanes, or overtime in time-limited spaces. A valid TCU parking permit is required to utilize these parking accommodations.
Electric vehicle chargers are available to students in Lot 15. In addition, a study is underway addressing electric vehicle charging on campus.