TCU has enacted the following parking and traffic regulations for safety and security, as well as to make parking and traffic flow at TCU as efficient as possible. They apply to all employees, students, and visitors. Voluntary compliance with these regulations is the goal, rather than to assess fines.  Parking fines have been enacted to deter violations.

Rules and regulations are enforced year-round, including weekends, holidays, breaks, study days, and summer (with the exception of reserved and maintenance spaces which are enforced 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekdays, unless otherwise marked). TCU rules and regulations are valid at the time of posting,  changes may occur during the academic year. Signs posted at the entrance to all lots take precedence over any regulations on this website.

Parking Rules & Regulations

  • The University is unable to provide “close-in” parking for all vehicles.  Purchasing a parking permit does not guarantee a parking place nor does the perceived lack of parking space justify a violation of any parking regulation.
  • All vehicles parked at any time on TCU property must display a current parking permit. Permits may not be falsified, transferred to another person or vehicle, forged, or altered. Permits must be permanently affixed to the outside of the vehicle’s REAR window, lower left side. (Permits for convertibles may be placed on the rear bumper, driver’s side or on the front windshield where it will not obscure the driver’s view.)  Motorcycle permits must be readily visible.
  • All expired TCU parking permits should be removed.
  • Employees and students, Sodexo employees, and Campus Store employees may not park in any visitor parking lot or space at any time.
  • Sodexo, Campus Store employees, and Temporary employees must purchase a TCU parking permit in order to park on campus.
  • Only one current TCU parking permit is allowed per vehicle.
  • Replacement permits may be obtained throughout the year. The cost of a replacement permit is $5. A replacement is needed when the original registered vehicle is no longer being driven or the permit is damaged or lost. Employees may purchase a replacement permit via the TCU T2 Parking Portal ( Student replacement permit fees are charged to the TCU student account and can be obtained at the TCU Parking & Transportation office during normal business hours.
  • Temporary permits are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the TCU Police Department for those with a current parking permit. These will be issued for a maximum of 30 days. If another vehicle is being used for longer than 30 days, a permanent permit must be purchased. Secondary permits are available for a reduced rate.
  • The speed limit on all University property is 10 MPH.
  • The fact that a citation is not issued when a vehicle is illegally parked does not mean nor imply that the regulation or rule is no longer in effect.
  • TCU is not responsible for loss or damage to vehicles parked on or in transit on TCU property.
  • Any vehicle operated or parked on University property must comply with the state registration requirements and display a current vehicle registration sticker and license tags. Additionally, proof of liability insurance must be carried in the vehicle and shown to TCU Police upon request. Failure to meet these requirements may result in the vehicle being banned from campus.
  • Any inoperable vehicle on the TCU campus may be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • All reserved, faculty/staff and commuter student lots are closed from 3:00 a.m. -7:00 a.m. with the exception of Lot 3 and the commuter, faculty/staff lot located behind the TCU Police Department on the southwest corner of Merida Avenue and W. Bowie St. These are the ONLY overnight lots for commuter use.
  • TCU parking lots are for passenger vehicles only. All other vehicle types must obtain permission to park from the TCU Parking Department prior to arriving on campus.
  • Throughout the year the campus hosts several special events that require reserved parking for the patrons or the need to relocate student vehicles to another area of campus. This may result in some inconvenience to employees and students but does not authorize drivers to violate parking regulations. Please be aware, failure to move for an event may result in a $200 citation for violation (05) Failure to Move Vehicle for Event.

Safety Alert – New Ride Share Rules for Campus. Please utilize the locations in Worth Hills to keep our students safe.

  • Worth Hills Ride Share pick-up and drop-off zones now available.
  • No stopping or parking (students or ride shares) on Bellaire Dr. N. or Stadium Dr.
  • Safety Hazzard – Keep Each Other Safe. Students have almost been hit by cars stopping to pick-up or drop-off.
  • Impeding Traffic = Ticket Issued
  • Zone too far? Pick-up/Drop-off in parking lots (if no special events happening).
  • Always cross at crosswalks in well-lit areas.
  • Thank you for keeping the TCU campus safe!

map of ride share zones located in Worth HIlls